Our acute mental health project at Northern Hospital is now complete
Construction on our Mental Health Beds Expansion project at Northern Hospital is now finished.
The facility has been designed to directly respond to recommendations from the Royal Commission into Victoria’s Mental Health System, creating care environments that are supportive, welcoming, and safe.
This facility is one of three projects we’re working on as part of the Victorian Government’s Mental Health Beds Expansion with NTC Architects and the Victorian Health Building Authority.
A co-design process was undertaken to work alongside clinicians and people with lived experience of mental illness.
The building is placed at the front of the hospital, elevated above a carparking deck to retain site access, valuable carparking and to allow for future infill and expansion.
Chiselled out sections of the northern façade express the position of six courtyards inside. These courtyards are embedded deep in the plan, allowing the building form to act as a secure boundary and reducing the need for visible fencing elements. They also allow for natural light and views to green spaces from each of the consumer lounges.
Throughout the interiors, primacy has been given to the consumer spaces through the creation of safe, familiar, and therapeutic environments.
‘The new 30 bed unit at Northern Health will enable the implementation of an improved model of care providing a welcoming, safe and comfortable environment for all consumers, visitors and staff,’ said Ashley Shea, Project Manager of Capital Development at Northern Hospital.
Shea went on to say, ‘The facility consists of a modern design incorporated with the latest technologies to enable staff to provide best practice / consumer focused care within a purpose built acute mental health facility.’
Read more about our Mental Health Beds Expansion project at Northern Hospital.